Ask a Librarian

Welcome to the OOPS library!

Librarika is the cloud based service we are using to make our library accessible to OOPS members. Once you're a member of Librarika (write to Ask a Librarian for an invite), you can browse the catalogue and request item(s). Please indicate in "notes" how you would like to get the item(s) Free options: Pickup in SE Portland. Pickup at OOPS monthly meetings once they get going again. Paid option: Pay shipping fee via PayPal (will need to pay for return shipping too or drop off at meeting or OOPS librarians house).

The check out time period is for 5 weeks with extension allowed if others aren't waiting for it.

Isn't this exciting to have a kayaking library at your fingertips!
Email: ( our email address is kept private. )
Phone: 5037780829